📄Trial Pilot
This page will outline the trial pilot or V1 of Matar App.
We have launched Version 1 of Matar App on Android devices in March 2023 to a select group of partners for free. V1 was our pilot in understanding whether such a peer-to-peer model, designed as an audio Quora initially, can facilitate impactful community learning.
In the first version of the application, the users can:
Listen to prompts (questions) categorized by different topics relevant to their community.
Anonymously record their own responses or listen to community-upvoted answers of their peers to each prompt.
React (Like/dislike) responses, view bookmarked (liked) responses to questions and also maintain a history of their recorded statements to listen to later.
Current Status
Android application is live on Play Store and Jio feature phone application is under development and scheduled to be live on Jio Store by early August 2023. Partnerships
Gates Foundation: Gates Foundation has funded Busara – a behavioral research organization – to conduct user research for the better adoption of the Matar application.
Google App Scale Academy: Matar application is chosen as one of the six applications for the Agriculture Domain in the Google App Scale Academy 2023.
Last updated