data class SendOtpRequest(
@SerializedName("action") val action: String,
@SerializedName("name") val name: String = "",
@SerializedName("phone_number") val phoneNumber: String
data class SendOtpResponse(
@SerializedName("message") val message: String
Describing Code:
The code defines two data classes in Kotlin, SendOtpRequest and SendOtpResponse, which are typically used for representing data in your application.
This data class is used to represent a request to send an OTP (One-Time Password).
It has three properties:
(String): This is the action to be performed, which appears to be related to sending an OTP.
(String, optional): This is the name associated with the request. It's an optional parameter and has a default value of an empty string.
(String): This is the phone number to which the OTP will be sent.
This data class is used to represent the response received after sending an OTP.
It has one property:
(String): This property holds a message from the server, which might contain information about the status of the OTP sending process.
These data classes seem to be designed for handling authentication-related operations, where you can create a SendOtpRequest object to send a request to send an OTP, and you can receive a SendOtpResponse object as a response, containing a message.
Please note that these data classes are annotated with @SerializedName, which suggests that they are meant to be serialized/deserialized using Gson, a library for working with JSON data in Android and Java applications.
data class LogoutResponse(
@SerializedName("message") val message: String?
//data class LogoutResponse(
// @SerializedName("description") val description: String,
// @SerializedName("error") val error: String,
Describing Code:
The LogoutResponse class has a single property:
**message: **This property is annotated with **@SerializedName("message")**indicating that it's intended to be serialized/deserialized using Gson, a popular JSON parsing library for Java and Kotlin. The property is of type **String? **which means it can hold a nullable string.
This class is likely used to represent the response from a server or API when a user logs out, with the server providing a message to indicate the result of the logout operation