This page describes the FAQ section on the Bolbhav application
The FAQ section on the Home page serves as a comprehensive resource for users to find answers to commonly asked questions about the Bolbhav application. Here's how it works and some key features:
How it Works
Accessing the FAQ Section:
Users can access the FAQ section by clicking on the "Sawal Jawab" section on the homepage. This redirects them to a screen displaying a list of questions.
Question Selection:
On the FAQ screen, users can browse through the list of questions and select any question they are interested in. Upon clicking a question, the user is redirected to a new screen displaying the answer to that question.
Navigation Options:
At the bottom of the answer screen, users have the functionality to navigate to the next or previous question. This allows for easy exploration of multiple questions without returning to the main FAQ list.
Admin Configuration:
The questions in the FAQ section can be added, removed, or edited by the admin through the Flask admin dashboard. This provides flexibility for the admin to manage and update the FAQ content as needed. Learn more about it here
Contextual "Sawal Jawab" Buttons:
Additionally, specific pages within the app may feature "Sawal Jawab" buttons at the bottom, containing questions related to the functionality or content of that particular page. These questions are hardcoded into the app to provide users with targeted assistance relevant to their current context.
For example: On the referral page, there is a "sawal jawab" section where there are questions and answers are listed based on the referral page.
Last updated