Bolbhav Plus WebApp
About Bolbhav Plus
Bolbhav Plus is a web application designed to allow users, especially traders and village level aggregators to view the distribution of prices across select APMC mandis. The ability to view and compare price distributions across different mandis is the USP of this product. This documentation is a comprehensive guide to the features, architecture, and functioning of the application.
Key Features
Bolbhav Plus follows a linear application flow. Users choose their crop, crop+variety, and optionally mandi, and can view the price distributions corresponding to their selections. The two main pages are the home screen and the mandi view screen. Both of these pages exist in either the “default” state (default crop-variety) or the “filtered” state (user-selected crop-variety).
Here are some of the key features of Bolbhav Plus:
User can see the distribution of prices in a tabular format. This can be at the crop level, crop-variety level, and crop-variety-mandi level
User can subscribe for WhatsApp notifications when the first 10 receipts of a selected crop (or crop-variety) are approve.
View historical price data.
Why was a separate application created?
Sign up
Users begin by entering their mobile number, receiving an OTP, and verifying it to log in or sign up. In case they are already logged in on another device/tab, they will be logged out of the old session. The token expiration time is set to 30 days in the backend.
Subscription Purchase
Users who have an expired subscription/free trial are taken to a screen prompting subscription purchase. The only action the user can take on this page is to view the video or to click the button to take a subscription. If the user clicks the subscription button, they will be taken to a payment page.
Free trial
Users who enter the app for the first time are granted a 7 days free trial.
Payment page
Users who click on the “subscribe” button are redirected to a payment link from Razorpay. A screen recording of the login and payment process is shown below (with sample data).
Confirm link sent page
While the payment page opens in a new tab, the tab in which the web app is open moves to this page. It includes a message explaining that the payment page has opened in a new tab, as well as a 4 minute timer for the user to request the link be sent again.
Home screen
The home screen displays crop prices for the last date for which information is available.
Interactive elements
Crop button
Interactive elements:
Search bar: Type in Hindi or Hingrish. While typing, the matching crop selection buttons will appear at the top
Crop selection buttons: Clicking on a button will select the crop filter applied to the home screen, and take the user back to the home screen. Each button also contains data on: the number of receipts the number of quintals how long ago the prices were last updated for that crop. Note the data corresponds to the date filter that was last selected on the home page
Sorting order:
Crops for which user has subscribed will be shown at the top of the list
After that, crops are sorted based on their time of last update (newest to oldest)
Variety button:
Choose crop variety Interactive elements: Variety selection buttons. Each button contains data on: Variety name Number of quintals Last updated time Number of receipts Min-Modal-Max price Note the data corresponds to the date filter that was last selected on the home page Sorting order: Same logic as for choose crop.
Date Selector:
Select to filter all information on the page to the chosen date
Sort Option for Crop Receipt:
Select the radio button to sort the mandis based on either: i) count of receipts (descending) or ii) highest price (descending)
Bell icon
Checklist (more than one can be selected) which lets user choose which crop (crop varieties) they want to view the prices for. These are sorted following the same sorting order as crops in the Choose crop page.
Submit button. Saves user’s selections and takes user back to home page
The mandi view is view after a user has selected a mandi from the home page. The view is the same as the home screen view with two changes:
All data on the page is filtered to the selected mandi
The low-res price receipts photos are shown instead of list of mandis
A mandi selector, which leads to “choose mandi” page.
If date selected has no prices, the mandi holiday reason is shown.
Choose mandi Interactive elements: Mandi selection buttons: Clicking on the button changes the mandi filter applies to Mandi view page. Each button contains information on number of receipts and highest price. Mandis are sorted in order of highest number of receipts. The top button is “all mandis” which takes user back to home page
Static elements
Price distribution table
Price receipt images
: In case the number of prices for crop-variety-date is less than or equal to five, low-res images of the price receipts will be visible. Clicking on an image opens up high-res version with pinch and zoom and an “x” button to go back.
Default View
Default date: The last date for which prices are available for
Default sorting order of crops:
When the user has not previously used the screen to select crops, nor has selected crop-varieties for notifications, the default sorting order is based on receipt count from highest to lowest.
When the user has selected a crop before but not selected crop(s) for notifications, the default crop is the last chosen crop followed by crops in receipt count order.
When the user has selected crop(s) for notifications, regardless of which crop they last chose for price viewing, it will be the crop chosen (or crop with the highest number of receipts if there are multiple chosen), followed by crops in receipt count order.
Default sorting order of mandis: Receipt count (Descending)
Alternatibe Home screen view
If there are between 1 and 5 prices available for the chosen date crop-variety: instead of the table, the low-res price receipts will be shown sorted from most recent to oldest.
If there are no prices available for the selected crop-variety date, the home screen is shown with a message to user about this.
Last updated