Copy of Bolbhav Android Application
This page describes the frontend architecture of the Bolbhav Android Application without going into too much technical details, which are explained in later chapters.
Last updated
This page describes the frontend architecture of the Bolbhav Android Application without going into too much technical details, which are explained in later chapters.
Last updated
The Bolbhav app has five main use cases:
Bolbhav application was launched on 1st November 2023 on the Google Android Play Store.
On any Android smartphone, visit the Playstore and search for Bolbhav. Alternatively the application can be accessed via this link:
Why the App Id is and the released date is 20/03/2021? Bolbhav was pushed an update to an earlier app - List - that was created to unable farmers share their crop data with traders. List app was launched on March 20, 2021 but it did not get the traction from the farmers. Hence, this listed app was pulled down and Bolbhav app was uploaded as a new app on the same app id: com.listag. It had around 5000 app installs and over hundred reviews, we thought we can benefit from it.
If you want access to playstore, please reach out to Vikas.
Currently, the application is only available in the Hindi language.
Currently, it is a image that is not responsive and dimensions are messed up. We are working on a GIF.
After one has installed the application, a user can login using an Indian phone number. They will receive a code in the message that the user has to submit to prove that they own the mobile number. Currently, this is the only way to sign-up. Sending message to international numbers is not integrated. Any phone number entered is automatically assumed to be an Indian phone number with default country code of +91.
The phone number verification code is sent via Msg 91 platform.
A user follow following steps to see crop prices:
Select mandi: On the home page, a user will see a list of mandi where we are live.
When a user selects a mandi, they are taken to next page where they are shown list of crops of the latest available date. This page also have mandi holiday information on past, current or future dates. Below the name of the crop, there are count of receipts for that crop-mandi combination.
When a user selects a crop, they are taken to the next page where they are shown the prices of that mandi-crop-date combination.
Minimum - Median - Maximum prices per quintal
Images of all receipts of that mandi-crop-date in decending order of price. A user can click on the image to open a HD version of image, where a user can zoom-in the image.
Each image has a share button that share a deep link.
In the current journey, there are multiple scope of improvement.
A user cannot select date and look back past date prices to make sense of trends.
Reason of mandi holiday is not provided.
Only price range is shown, whereas we have the data to shown the price distribution.
On the price page, lot of space is wasted with static content.
After selecting mandi, a user can click on the button "contribute sale receipt". This will take the user to select crop page. Here the user can see how many receipts of that crop has already been uploaded on the platform.
When a user selects the crop, they are taken to a page where they can enter the booklet number and receipt number written on the crop sale sale receipt.
The combination of "mandi-date-booklet number-receipt number" must be unique. If it is not then a recept is highlighted as duplicate entry and user is requested to uplaod some other receipt.
If the receipt is not duplicate, then the user is asked to provide more details:
photo of the receipt
phone number of the owner
After this the user is promised a certain number of promised token, whcih which be credited to their account upon succesful validation of the receipt. If validation fails then the user does not earn any tokens.
In the current journey, there are multiple scope of improvement.
There are two types of receipts in the mandis - hand written and printed. The receipt submission form is not personalized to type of receipt.
It is not very clear to why there is a need to submit the receipt owner phone number.
We can add the number of token on the crops itself so that the contributors can know which crop can lead them to maximum tokens.
We are not collecting trader's name, which is one of the main information for building future products.
A user is shown a receipt and a series of nine questions.
Once they submits the validation, they are promised tokens, credits to their wallet upon successul validation by another use or team member.
One receipt is shown to two users. If there answer contradicts then that receipt is shown to the team member for undertake final validation.
क्या फोटो में मंडी नीलामी पर्ची साफ़ नज़र आ रही है?
हाँ, नहीं
क्या ये {{receipt_date}} तारीख़ की नीलामी पर्ची है?
हाँ, नहीं, दिख नहीं रहा है
क्या ये {{mandi_name_hi}} मंडी की नीलामी पर्ची है?
हाँ, नहीं, दिख नहीं रहा है
क्या इस पर्ची पर {{crop_nme_hi}} फ़सल का नाम लिखा हुआ है?
हाँ, नहीं, दिख नहीं रहा है
इस पर्ची का पुस्तिका क्रमांक {{booklet_number}} है?
हाँ, नहीं, दिख नहीं रहा है
इस पर्ची का अनुबंध क्रमांक {{receipt_id}} है?
हाँ, नहीं, दिख नहीं रहा है
क्या इस पर्ची {{price}} प्रति क्विंटल भाव लिखा है?
हाँ, नहीं, दिख नहीं रहा है
क्या इस पर्ची में अनुमानित वजन {{quantity}} क्विंटल लिखा है?
हाँ, नहीं, दिख नहीं रहा है
क्या पर्ची के पीछे {{crop_name_hi}} फसल साफ़ से दिख रही है?
हाँ, नहीं, दिख नहीं रहा है
Silver tokens are needed to view prices. To see prices for one day, four silver tokens are reduced from user's wallet. Once four silver tokens are reduced, a user can see prices for next 24 hours.
Services of Phone Pe Payment Gateway is used to enable users purchase subscription.
A user can choose between any of the three plans.
In the hamburger menu, there are other features that supports the user the undertaking above four use cases
Services of Posthog is used to track users interaction with the application.
Referral link that a user can share with others and if anyone installs the app using it then the user gets silver tokens in rewards.
Services of is used to track if a new user came using someone's referral code.
FAQ that contains a list of repeatedly asked questions.
My Receipt page that provide information on all the receipts contributed by the user.
My token page to know about the token balance and statements.
My payments contain the list of all payments made by the user to buy subscription.
Viewing crop prices
A user can see the latest prices of a mandi-crop combination including the image of individual sales receipt and aggregated statistics.
Contributing crop sales receipts Any user can contribute the crop sale data for themselves for after taking consent of any other farmer. In this they share the image of the sale receipt and the associated data.
Validation of crop sale receipts Any user can validate the receipts submitted by other users. Only validated receipts are shown to the users in the frontend.
Purchasing silver tokens through subscription
A user can buy silver tokens by paying to Bolbhav.
Redeeming gold tokens into money
Contributors can convert their earned tokens into real currency.
Other use cases
There are other necessary features like referral, FAQ, statement of tokens, receipt submitted, terms and conditions.