Changes after submission
This page describes what actions happen when the status of a receipt is changed.
We will cover all the possible status changes and the subsequent actions that are triggered in each of them.
When receipt is edit
function is triggered to update existing cached entry i.e is defined in this page .
Pending -> Approved
The following cached data are updated in unique_entries table:
If receipt is validated by user then users responses are checked based on team member response. Based on team member response if user submitted correct response will be granted tokens.
Token granted to receipt uploader
First 10 receipt uploaders receive 100 silver token as bonus.
If new user join via referral and give first contribution referee user receive reward. If referral user not purchased any plan or not user trial plan.
Notification triggered. WhatsApp notification to BolBhav Plus user and In app notification to Bolbhav user if receipt count for particular crop is 10.
New user approve receipt notification is triggered to user's WhatsApp number.
Pending -> Rejected
New user receipt rejected notification is triggered to user's WhatsApp number
Approved -> Rejected and Approved -> Pending
The following cached data are force updated in unique entry table:
Reverts user rewarded token from user wallets.
Rejected -> Approved
The following cached data are updated in unique entry table add crop data and update crop metrics such as min, max, mode, price bins, image urls, crop count etc.
Grants rewards token to user.
Rejected -> Pending
Status of receipt is changed to pending and user token amount is reset to null.
Last updated